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Zombie SWAT Training London – Bunker 51

Date: Sunday Morning
Time: 11.30am
Breakfast: Cheese on Toast
Mission: Save the world from a Zombie apocalypse

On Sunday, while London was at a standstill because of the heavy snow, we here at Cut The Cap were suiting up for an experience of a lifetime….ZOMBIE SWAT TRAINING!

As we made our way to North Greenwich Station we were a bit hesitant as to what to expect from the day but being a massive Walking Dead and Dawn of the Dead fan, we felt we were already at an advantage of how to take down zombies.

Zombie Swat Training

At 12.30 on the nose a Land Rover pulls up with 2 army officers who proceed to cover our heads with sacks so we wouldn’t know the location of the bunker. (we we’re more worried about the married couple parked behind us thinking we were terrorists or something)

Zombie SWAT Training

(Managed to sneak this pic of myself on route to Bunker 51 in the back of the Land Rover)

We hit the road and the soldier explained the reason for the cover, which we will not go into as we don’t want to ruin it for everyone.

We arrived at the bunker 10 minutes later and were suited up and taken into the de-briefing room. Here we met the other recruits and were briefed about the Virus and the situation of Bunker 51.

(At this point I am going to try to not give away any spoilers so apologies if I do)

First up, we were given a tour of the facility and taken to the lab where zombie of the Zombies were being kept for experimentation. Thankfully they were secured to the wall otherwise the day would have been over pretty quickly.

Next up, Training!
We were shown how to use the various types of guns including small plastic pellets and a paint gun that contains a synthesised liquid called Z-Kill that can stop a Zombie in its tracks.

One of the most awkward questions I was asked was “could you kill a child zombie?” to which I hesitated to answer but answered by saying “if need be!”

Zombie Apocalypse Training

After some quick Target practise, we were split in 2 and given a few games of team death match (COD reference).

Here’s where I have to get creative with my writing as I really don’t want to give anything away.

Let’s just say not everything goes to plan and its time to lock, load and take down the Zombies with the help of your team.

With mini missions and a fantastic few hours of firing at Zombies, we had forgotten that outside the snow was falling down heavily.

We had a great time and wish we could go into more details of what happened that day in the bunker, but let’s just say you have been saved by us and……YOU ARE WELCOME!!!!

If you are interested in learning how to avoid a zombie apocalypse of have watched 1 too many episodes of The Walking Dead and want to know what it’s like, then find out all the info you need at

Here’s a flavour of what to expect:
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