The Pommelier Club – the newest way to enjoy cider!

The Fine Cider Company have launched The Pommelier Club, a bi-monthly subscription service, and the best bit is it’s far more than simply a few bottles of cider in the post: it will give cider lovers and enthusiasts alike an insight like no other, so they can discover the emerging world of finest cider.

You will be able to choose from three 750ml bottles priced at £42 or six 750ml bottles priced at £84 – the prices mean that each bottle is under £15 and these will arrive every two months.

Plenty of fine cider on offer…

As well as the liquid nectar you will be taken on an in-depth journey into the fascinating world of the finest cider makers, as they rise to prominence.
You’ll be able to see each season as it shapes up, meet the makers, see the best bottles being born and in the process learn all you need to know to be a Pommelier; both through the bottles they are sent and all of the wonderful, exclusive content they will get to see. The journey will take you inside the cidery, behind the scenes and hearing the makers thoughts, all year round and all from the ease of their phone or computer.

Felix Nash, founder of The Fine Cider Company believes cider is having a renaissance, a new era is arriving and it’s being spearheaded by some incredible cider makers; craftspeople of unique talent, who are showing just how good cider can be. The Pommelier Club is aimed at sharing this with the world, making these fascinating early stages of an industry-changing accessible to the public; this is what we mean by far more than simply a few bottles in the post.

All subscribers bottles will be sent out bi-monthly, within a few days of each other, so subscribers get their bottles at the same time. The first bottles will be sent out in mid-late July, then next set in mid-late September, then November and so on. Customers can cancel, upgrade, or downgrade their subscription at any time, before each billing date, via their own online account.

Time to get tasting…