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The Hangover 3 European Premiere Review… with special video

It was a star-studded night in London’s Leicester Square for the final instalment of the Hangover franchise – the entire cast, Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Justin Bartha,Ken Jeong, Todd Phillips and of course the very beautiful Heather Graham were there to welcome fans (and us) giving the large crowd had plenty to cheer.

Heather Graham looking hot

We overheard the leading lady saying she will miss playing sexy stripper Jade because the excitement makes up for her “boring” real life. The actress, who played a porn star in Boogie Nights, said: “I’m pretty boring in my real life. I don’t really drink, I’m not that wild, so it’s fun to play these wild characters on screen.” After the strong be of eavesdropping on our part we grabbed the obligatory red carpet picture (which she seems a little shocked by in the snap below)

Sure we’ll admit it, it’s not a very well kept secret that here at Cut The Cap that for a longtime we’ve been counting down to this day in almost equal measures of fear and excitement… the latter obvious if you know anything about us but the fear more so because we really didn’t want the films to finish on wimpier rolling out the same jokes that have already been done.

Thankfully we were not disappointed! Sure the story line is a little far fetched in places but what did you expect – its the Hangover!! For fun, classic Alan & Stu moments and plenty of laugh-out-loud action (there was more than one time we almost spat water over the person in front of us) then you can go wrong with the Hangover 3!

And for all of your that wonder what its like inside a premiere check out this EXCLUSIVE video of Todd Phillips and the cast…

[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=5R4d63qQX2g&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8843″ /]

So all that left to say is… Toodle-loo, motherfuckers!