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Romeo y Julieta Churchill Review

I managed to get together with the rest of the Cut The Cap gang this evening for a ‘board meeting’ which we held at the always superb No. 10 Manchester Street hotel.

After being seated, the host, Atilla, showed us in to the humidor which had a respectable collection of cigars. Immediately I noticed that for just about every regular cigar there was also an Edicion Limitada. The collection of limited editions was quite commendable.

I picked my weapon of choice, the Romeo y Julieta Churchill. I do have a tubos sitting in the humidor at home but I couldn’t resist this cigar. Straight out the tube it’s long and slender, a very sexy cigar. Well made, with the perfect fill of leaf within the roll.

Starting our magical journey, the cigar started off very light, very little flavour almost to the point where I couldn’t actually pick one up. As I got to the end of the first third the flavour started opening up and it was a cedar woody flavour (which I’m not fond of).

The flavour continued through the 2nd third and added hints of floral aroma which helped ease the dullness of cedar but down to the end (this is a long cigar) I couldn’t really bring myself to think I would buy another. This is perhaps more of a beginner cigar.

A real shame. A gorgeous cigar with very little character. A boring smoke and definitely not a cheap option to have as a backup cigar. I was recommended a rum with it but I personally would have preferred a dark and rich coffee to add a little more oomph and stimulate the cedar wood flavour.

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