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Machete Kills New Trailer

With all the hype around the latest Oscar contenders, we here at CTC would like to throw our prediction into the ring in the form of Robert Rodriguez’s Machete Kills, the 2nd outing for Danny Trejo’s Federale character conveniently called….Machete.

With a host of stars including Carlos Estevez (Thats Charlie Sheen) as the President of the United States, an army of super-soldiers that includes Antonio Banderas, Sofia Vergara sporting a fully automatic bra, as well as Lady Gaga, Cuba Gooding Jr, Michele Rodriguez, Amber Heard and Jessica Alba, we think we are in for a good time.

This installment sees Machete called back into action by POTUS to deal with the threat of Mel Gibson’s Luther Voz and the weapon he has pointed at Washington.

Do you need to know the stroyline? Machete Kills Slices into Cinemas in the US in Ocotber so we hopefully will see it on our shores soon after.

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