A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to be invited to the Samsung Series 2015 – you know, the event were you can get hands on with some of Samsung’s latest and coolest tech, and boy did we have a good time. If in the following article you scene a heighten scene of excitement then you’d be right… the future’s bright – the future’s Smart(Things).
Upon arrival to the apartment (ok it was a suite in the lovely Ham Yard hotel in London’s West End but nonetheless slick) we could see an array of produces on show all designed to seamless integrate and enhance our daily lives. Where to start was going to be one of the most difficult decisions of the day but we manned up and headed to the bedroom where this box of wonderment was on display:
Its the SmartThings starter kit.
Everything you need to bring your home right up to the cutting edge of technology. Practice these words ‘Dear Santa, I would like a Samsung SmartThings starter kit for Christmas’ – and continue reading of course!
The kit contains a hub (that’s the brains of the operation) and then a variety of sensors that you can attached to doors/ windows/ people. There is also a plug adaptor so you can switching appliances/devices on or off from anywhere in the world.
The sensors can be programmed to do a huge range of things for example you could get alerts to your phone when doors or windows are open or the keyring can let you know when pets or loved ones are at home with everything beautifully linking to the app (available on both iOS and Android).
To top things off its open-source platform means other designers can write programmes for SmartThings (meaning growth and availability of apps within the eco system should be reasonably quick) and other manufactures equipment will integrate – we have our Philips Hue light bulbs set up so they come on went we open the door, yeah we’re cool like that.
After exploring the bedroom we were invited to a discussion with (left to right) Presenter Natalie Pinkham, Senior Product Manager Samsung SmartThings, Mike Eagle, Soho House Group Architect, Alex Jackson and Finchatton Founder, Andrew Dunn around the topic Smart Home – Technology as Standard.
The speakers explored the benefits of technology in the home, with particular focus on Samsung Smart Home technology and how it places groundbreaking convenience and security in the palm of our hand.
We learnt that as users, we can gain easy and instant control over almost any aspect of the home: from motion sensors to open the garage door upon arrival, to a keypad on their phone to unlock the front door, and the ability to turn devices on or off from anywhere in the world. You’ve gotta love tech right?
Andrew Dunn discussed how Finchatton properties must now be designed and built to be compatible with all types of technology and that a connected home is now the standard for HNW properties. Alex Jackson gave guests an insight into the behind-the-scenes workings of Soho Farmhouse and how the flawless customer experience could not be achieved without the aid of technology. Exciting stuff!
The good news for us is that we managed to remain composed enough that we were invited back for the afternoon session for talk centred around the impact of technology within fashion…
We sad down with (ok it wasn’t just us but still) British GQ’s Editor Dylan Jones and men’s fashion designer Henry Holland to discuss technology’s impact on the profile and sales of menswear, with particular focus on Online Media and Social Media. We know, catchy title.
Jones started by claiming that social media has cracked the fashion world wide open. Holland asserted that the Internet has fostered democratic conversation throughout the fashion world, thanks to social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, which appeal to a variety of consumers. The Internet has also forced fashion to adapt to digital environments. With a high volume of content, maintaining relevance is crucial. Holland does it through two Instagrams – one personal, one private – to entertain his audience, provide them with information, and maintain a non-corporate personality.
They discussed that even the way fashion shows are run is changing. The shows “need to be more consumer-facing,” said Holland, and invite consumers to interact with the shows. Bloggers (that’s us!) and other social influencers, who have their own audiences and a savvy grip on pop culture, are displacing traditional press at shows and encouraging dialogue between designers and consumers.
It was a great day full of exciting revelations in the tech world that aren’t coming soon but are already here! Samsung SmartThings is available from and Samsung and Curry’s priced at £199. Enjoy getting connected…