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The Lone Ranger Review

Last night we were invited to an exclusive screening of The Lone Ranger staring Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp.

After a disappointing opening in the US, and negative reviews the odds were against the film, however we are firm believers that everyone has different tastes and we weren’t going to be swayed with what everyone was saying about the film.

Upon entry, we were treated to free bottles of Budweiser (result) and a goody bag of water, popcorn and mint Aero bubbles (you don’t really need to know that, but we were excited)

Having grown up at the tail end of when westerns were big, I’ve never been a big Western film fan, but then again I was never into Pirate films but loved Pirates of the Caribbean. Plus the fact that its Jerry Bruckheimer also re-assured me that I was in for a good treat.

The film began in 1933 with a small young boy dressed as a cowboy visiting an attraction on the Wild West where he meets Johnny Depps ‘Tonto’ who has aged a little to say the least.


Tonto then begins to tell the story of ‘The Lone Ranger’

At this point I never usually like to give away the film, but will say that the film is filled with action and a good balance of comedy and banter between the main Characters.

With twist and turns throughout, I never looked at my watch once over the 2 and half hours.

As mentioned previously, the film opened to a poor reception in the US, however thinking about the film on the way home; it never did anything wrong by my book.

I usually judge a film by the goose bumps I get and when the iconic theme music kicked in, and this time was no exception. Like Silver they were there right on cue reminding me that I was truly immersed in the film.

We think the problem is that nowadays kids want to be superhero’s rather than cowboys. Long gone are the days of children playing cowboys and Indians with sticks in the garden. Now they want to rule realms with the tesseracts and fight off alien invasions with the Avengers, (and there isn’t any problem with that).

A great performance from Johnny Depp as usual. Some may say they see elements of Jack Sparrow in his performance but then again they could say that with any role he takes.

William Fichtner also stars as a menacing Butch Cavendish that will put you off your steak dinner for a month.

I really do hope Lone Ranger does well at the box office, as a film and to remind kids that cowboys are still cool and the backbone kids imaginations.

The Lone Ranger is riding into cinemas on 9th August. Our advice: see it for yourself and make your own mind up.

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