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The Last Supper Club with Buffalo Trace & DJ BBQ Bring You Dooms Day Dinner!

So the day has come, dear readers. 21/12/12. The end of the 13th b’ak’tun in the Mayan calendar to which popular culture has interpreted as the end of the world. There have so far been a few supposed end of the worlds we’ve survived in our life time alone. But forget all that crazy talk and let’s make the most of the madness sweeping the world.

One super way to celebrate the (non) end of the world is The Last Supper Club’s Dooms Day Dinner in Shoreditch, East London. Inspired by the doomsday prophecy, The Last Supper Club brings us a feast that would make us all die a happy man. The team at DJ BBQ are cooking up an 18 hour ‘Burnt End of the World Beef Brisket’ with an awesome Buffalo Trace marinade, the ‘Bacon A-Bomb’, and more real MAN food, whilst mixing up some of the greatest cocktails this side of the atlantic. However, the one CutTheCap have got our eyes on? PRAWNICIDE, baby! A bucket of smoked to death prawns. Epic, Click here if you vote for more smoked food! Check out the awesome food menu here and the drinks menu here

Want to get some inner peace before the end? Head down to The Yard, Shoreditch as the last day is tomorrow IF the world isn’t over by then. Bookings can be made via the team at and don’t forget to visit

Visit and for more details. You won’t be dissappointed 🙂

And don’t forget to follow Buffalo Trace on Twitter at @BuffaloTraceUK to keep up to date with more unbelievable events coming up soon!