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Robocop Viral Video

A viral video has been released for the new Robocop film.

The film is set to be released in August 2013 and stars Gary Oldman, Samuel L Jackson and Abbie Cornish

For those that can’t remember the original (or are too young to remember it) the film is set in the near future where a cop is killed and brought back to life as Robocop…… and that’s it really in a nutshell.

The original film was amazing for its time and featured some pretty darn good scenes and who could forget some of the quotes.

While we have a nostalgic look back, enjoy a viral teaser released by the Company OmniCorp that feature in the film.

[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=rzmuvtREnnw&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1453″ /]

And while you are here, check out some images that have also been released.


We at Cut The Cap have often wondered who would win in a fight – The Terminator or Robocop?