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Riddick Trailer

As the world gears up for the release of Fast & Furious 6, today we get a glimpse at Vin Diesel’s latest film Riddick with its first trailer.

Riddick is the 3rd film in the series (1st being Pitch Black and 2nd being The Chronicles of Riddick)

Vin Diesel stars as Riddick (funny enough) and in the film he has been betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick (Diesel) fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge.

Riddick is directed by David Twohy ( he made the first 2 films The Chronicles of Riddick & Pitch Black) and is set to hit cinemas in September
[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=tDxDEjDMreA&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6567″ /]

Also enjoy some images from the film: