So yesterday I was invited to an exclusive screening to see footage of the upcoming LA Noire video game from Rockstar games.
The game is set in 1940s LA and you play a detective solving cases around town. I was told that the cases were researched form real events that happened in the 40’s.
You start off as a traffic cop and as you solve more cases, you are rewarded with promotions to detective where the cases get juicer and juicerThe effects look amazing, A video showed how they were able to capture different expressions of the actors using a room with over 30 cameras.
This will take gaming to another level. No longer will we be happy with just a moving jaw and still body.
Part of the game involves interrogating witnesses and suspects and deciding if think they are lying or telling the truth.
I will be reviewing the game once I receive a copy but the game but from what I’ve seen its like Grand Theft Auto meets Heavy Rain.
I’m assuming somewhere in the game, someone will be smoking a cigar as its pre-American Embargo
Here’s the trailer: