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Justin Timberlake – Suit & Tie – Cigar Music

It was only a matter of time till Justin Timberlake went back into the studio and went back to his musical roots.

After announcing a few years ago he was taking a break from music to concentrate on his acting career, last week trousernake released a video on YouTube entitled ‘I’m ready’ where he gave a random monologue to rival Brad Pitts recent Chanel advert.

However today we have the new track featuring Beyoncé and her cigar smoking rapper husband Jay-Z called Suit & Tie (2 of our favourite items of garments)

It’s produced by Timbaland (who else) and is actually a really good track. The fact that we are still listening to Justified and that is 11 years old hopefully means my grandkids will be dancing to this track in years to come.

I’m assuming the follow up will be called Socks & Pants so watch this space. Here’s the new Track:

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