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Havana Club – 3 of a Kind

Ahead of Rumfest this weekend, I decided to do a mini stock take of my rum collection and turns out I’ve got 3 of a kind!……

Havana Club 7 year
Havana Club Especial
Havana Club Cuban Barrel Proof

As well as a mini Angostura rum that I was given last year at Rumfest. Apologies for the messy Cigar Aficionado magazine poking out.

Lets see what delights I end up buying this weekend. I’m looking forward to sampling the Bacardi Oakheart. I’ve heard much about this rum, however online there seems to be allot from other countries, and nothing UK specific.

Check out an advert for it here (doesn’t it just make you want to light up a cigar and pour a glass)

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