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Entourage Movie on its way – Greenlit

The boys will be back are the cheers we are hearing today as Warner Bros have confirmed that they have green lit a movie version of our favourite TV show Entrouage.

The HBO series that ran for 8 seasons will be getting the Sex & the City treatment with a movie following on from where the series finished.

Entourage follows the inside Hollywood exploits of the up and coming film star, his best friend/ manager/ agent, his under-appreciated TV actor brother and the childhood pal/driver who form his inner circle.

The film will be directed by series creator Doug Ellin, who wrote the screenplay and who exec produced the series with Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson.

Deals are starting to be made with Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara, and Jeremy Piven, who played the show’s iconic type A talent agent Ari Gold.

That’s about as far as we know at the moment, but as soon as we know more we’ll share it with you. To be fair you will probably hear our school girl screams a soon as we find out

For now let’s take a look at Ari Golds best bits:

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