Ciroc Vodka – New Commercial with Diddy and Matt Goss

Sometimes I find it weird to blog about adverts. However when it’s Ciroc Vodka, I think we are allowed.

I blogged last week about Diddys bull jumping for Ciroc and today I now have the new ad featuring Diddy, Matt Goss, Frank ‘go home and get ya shine box’ Vincent as well as many other famous actors.

The ad sees them living it up Vegas style. Something I was privileged to have experienced in March with my fellow Wolf Pack.

Also, at this point I would like to take credit for the inspiration of this advert (even though I wasn’t)

All the partying featured in the ad, even the raising your glass to the sunrise….We did that lol

Check out the video below as well as a behind the scenes video. My trip to Vegas in 15 days will be sponsored by Ciroc Vodka no doubt!

[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=-4cHZWLGy-A&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6470″ /]

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