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Brugal Rum hits back with a new look

We’ve just received word that Dominican rum brand Brugal have unveiled a new sophisticated re-design.

The new bottle reinforces the brands premium positioning and combines a stylish modern edge with Brugal’s heritage and authenticity.


Launched by Eduardo Ortega Zeller, Maestro Ronero (that’s Master Blender for you non Spanish speaking folk), you can now find Brugal rum in 4 variants: Brugal Aňejo, Brugal Especial Extra Dry, Brugal XV and Brugal 1888.

Although the range has been re-vamped the distinctive net around the bottle stays as the key visual of the Brugal brand  for the Brugal Aňejo and Brugal Especial Extra Dry.

You will also find that Brugal Extra Viejohas been replaced with Brugal XV and has a new distinctive liquid.  The ABV stays the same (don’t worry), but the ageing process has changed with XV aged in a mix of white American oak and red European oak casks for an aged flavour profile character.

Sounds like we need to sample this soon with a cigar pretty soon!

Brugal is the only rum produced, aged and bottled in the Dominican Republic, using locally sourced natural ingredients, longstanding Dominican tradition and the expertise of its family custodian – a brand truly committed to quality and appeal. It is distilled for dryness using a distillation process which produces a ‘cleaner’ and less sweet spirit which makes for more refreshing and balanced drinks.


Here’s what Emma Heath, Marketing Controller for Brugal at Maxxium UK had to say on the matter: “Brugal is taking a lead role in defining a new class of rum. More than just a repack, this new positioning across the portfolio represents a shift in our ambition for the brand in the UK.  We are proud of our unique flavour profile and feel there is a great appetite here in the UK for a refreshingly dry rum which is perfectly balanced for making great drinks. Brugal is performing well in the UK, now enjoying a 10% market share of the golden rum category on trade and has recently secured a major off trade listing in Sainsbury’s and so this brand re-positioning comes at a great time for us, enabling us to take Brugal to the next level.”

If you are looking to grab a bottle your looking at around the following:

Brugal Aňejo RRP £20.29
Brugal Especial Extra Dry RRP £20.27
Brugal 1888 RRP £40.97

Don’t know about you guys but we are very excited to try the new and improved Brugal so as soon as we manage to get our hands on some, we’ll do a cigar pairing and share our findings.

If this is what happens when you drink Brugal, we say bottoms up!

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