Breaking Bad Gets a Latin American Remake

While we all are still in shock that Breaking bad is over, we can take solace in the fact that soon we can do it all over again, but in Spanish.

No we are not talking about the languages option on the special features DVD, but the remaking of Breaking Bad for Latin America which has just got its first trailer.

Metástasis (that’s what it’s called) sees Walter White replaced by Walter Blanco and Jesse replaced by Jose (genius)

Walter’s wife will be called Cielo, and Hank will be Henry Navarro – Walter’s brother-in-law who works as a Colombian narcotics agent.

“Critics and audiences love Breaking Bad and its original take on the drug-dealing business,” said SPT TV’s Angelica Guerra.

“It is a very relevant story for all audiences, produced with the highest standards, in spectacular locations with the best talent in the region.”

Alex Marin, senior vice president of distribution in Latin America for SPT, added: “Metástasis is masterfully complex and irresistibly compelling. We are sure the show can bring the audiences and acclaim garnered by the US series to broadcasters in Latin America.”

As much as we are skeptical about this, it will probably be added to our list of TV shows we want to watch.

With a prequel spin off Better Call Saul currently in development, looks like the Heisenberg legacy will continue.

As Walt would say “recordar mi nombre…Heisenberg”

Check out the trailer here:

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