Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues – New trailer

As the world waits for the legend Ron Burgundy to come back to the silver screen, today we get a glimpse of the God in a new trailer for Anchorman 2.

Not sure what you guys think but it could be possible the greatest movie trailer ever made, and that is a scientific FACT!

Also this week, it was reported that rapper Drake was spotted on the set. Being hardcore Anchromanians (we made that name up) hearing this has actually upset the CTC office. No offense to Drake but are you jumping on the bandwagon?

Drake- Anchorman 2

Anyway before we go into a rant, we will place ourselves back in a glass case of emotion, enjoy the trailer:

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is scheduled to be released on December 20 and sees Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and David Koechner reunite as San Diego’s Channel 4 News team.

Christina Applegate also returns for the film, while Harrison Ford and Kristen Wiig will be joining the cast.

Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Liam Neeson, Sacha Baron Cohen and Kanye West have also been spotted filming cameos for the movie in downtown Atlanta.

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