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2012 Highlights: Matt Goss at Bush Hall

Earlier on today whilst enjoying a Romeo y Julieta No 3 we found ourselves thinking back on what a great year 2012 had been for us. So we though it would be nice to share some of those highlights… and what better place to start than with Cut The Cap’s old friend Matt Goss and his intermate performance at Bush Hall back in November…

Let us paint the picture, we get out of the cab around 15 minutes before the doors opened and (unsurprisingly) the queue was round to the back of the building and half way up the street! Thankfully with our connections with Live Nation we had VIP access so wandered in and up the stair of the venue and into the VIP bar for some rum. It was the first time we’d been to Bush Hall and we were please to see that the VIP area had a smoking terrace and it was just about warm enough for a quick smoke – cigar of choice, the Bolivar Corona Junior – in two words coffee and coconuty.

Now back to the night in question, the show itself put simply was fantastic! Mr Goss has always had a great stage presence every time we’ve seen him and this was no acception, his voice pitch perfect and the banter with his band and audience had us all laughing & (as Ron Burgundy says) enjoying the moment – we reckon everything was helped along by the sheer volume of estrogen in the room (Matt had a pair of knickers thrown at him within minutes of being on stage!)

Errr, we digress… Matt performed the Bros back-catalogue hits everyone always wants to hear and delivered a mix of classic songs with his own unique rat pack spin on them which included everything for Stevie Wonder to the Eagles – here’s a preview of what was on offer…

[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=YPhQUbP28Mo&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep5722″ /]

Watching that video reminded us how talented the band our and what cheerful bunch as are the two backing singers and of course the dancers – The Dirty Virgins (God bless them!)

After to show you could see all the Matt Goss merchandise on sale (T-shirts, pictures and a 2013 calendar) which was being grabbed by just about everyone there (us excluded, sorry Matt!) But the real highlight after the show was when we were invited backstage into the Green Room to hang out with Matt, The Dirty Virgins and the band! When we got back stage it was plain to see everyone was really pumped from the performance and you could feel the energy in the room – kind of made us wish we could sing or play and instrument so we could have been part of it but being there was still great. And to top the evening off nicely whilst enjoying a drink with everyone we also had a surprise visit from Amy Winehouse’s mum, Janis who was lovely.


All-in-all a top night and one we can hopefully repeat with Matt when we revisit Vegas again in May – Matt, ours is a Ron Zacapa XO on 2 cubes please!

Here’s Matt’s video for the official Matt Goss website, we like it. Why? Because its fricking cool, that’s why! Enjoy…

[embedplusvideo height=”343″ width=”560″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=QaPz0vuVXsU&width=560&height=343&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1604″ /]