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Rumfest Update

It’s Rumfest week and as we all try desperately to clear our schedules so we are ready for the Rum event of the year, this week CTC towers have been busy working out which master classes we want to attend.

For anyone planning to go to Rumfest this year, there are a plethora of events to choose from to suit your rum sipping needs.

A few that we are looking forward to are:

On Saturday we kick things off with Martin Cates of Smugglers Cove will be offering a Rum masterclass to kick off Rumfest at 12.30 in Seminar Room 1

We are also looking forward to the new launch of vintage Diplomatico which is taking place 13.45-14.30 in seminar room 2.

Sunday carries the momentum with Ian Burrell hosting a class called ‘Rare rums you will never taste again’ (you had us as Rare!) The class kicks off at 1.45 in Seminar room 1

Other classes taking place which are taking our fancy include Mount Gay, Ron Botran, A class with Malcom Gosling, and something with Prof Frederick Smith & Daniel Dove from Ron Zacapa which we are hoping to check out.

News in this morning from our friends at Floating Rum Shack is that El Dorado have shared some of the action that will be taking place over Rumfest weekend.

El Dorado rum will be partnering with award winning Manchester bar, The Liars Club in the ‘Rum Experience’ area where the lovable Tiki boys will be serving rum punch, cocktails and sampling the 3yo, 5yo and 8yo rums. The stand will be ‘The Liars Club in Guyana’ and is at stand #41

El Dorado will be featuring in the Connoisseurs Cove area where they will have another stand focussing on the sipping rums.  This is where you will be able to taste the multi award winning 8yo, 12yo and 15yo rums and there will also be limited chances to taste the 21yo.

This has made our day as we at CTC are big fans of the 12 year so looking forward to trying out the 21 year old.

Set alarms for 1pm and 3pm as this is when International Brand Ambassador Stefanie Holt will be opening up 1 bottle of 21yo each day,

Were told its Stand #12 so hopefully see you there.

El Dorado 21 Year Rumfest

But that’s not all, El Dorado rum also be present in the Food Area – Galindo’s Ice Cream will be creating a special recipe using the 8yo rum, so make sure you check that out as well.

Looks like Rumfest is shaping up to be bigger and better this year so if your heading down there, let us know and we’ll see you down there for a cheeky drink.

Cigars will be smoked after at a nearby pub for anyone that would like to join our cigar club (bring a cigar if you fancy it)

Tickers are still on sale for Rumfest but we are told they will be sold out soon so get yours quick by going here