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Festival Guide – Discover The New…

Can you feel it? We can. It that wonderful feeling that Summer is just around the corner and we all know what that means, festival season is about to kick into full swing!
The UK has always offer a huge selection of top-tier festivals to answer the age-old question… What festivals you doing this year? (Not are you doing any festivals this year, which festival!)

Glastonbury? V-Festival? Reading/Leeds? Isle of Wight? or maybe T In The Park? All of them have for years been consistently delivering brilliant festival experiences for years. What’s not to love? Great music, great locations, great moments with friends and most of the time great weather too! (Really?)

That said most of us have been answering that festival question with the same answers for a while now. Nothing wrong with that, we go back to Global Gathering every year because its that good but as the season festival goers that we are we thought we open your eyes to a new world of festivals…

Its time to step out of your festival comfort zone and into the unknown… (no like literally Unknown, it the first festival on our ‘must check out’ list…)
Click the pictures below and get all the lowdown on all you need to know! You. Are. Welcome.

Unknown Festival. Rovinj, Croatia

Unknown Festival

Way Out West: Gothenburg, Sweden
Way Out West Festival

Tauron Nowa Muzyka: Katowice, Poland
Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 00.00.45

Wilderness: Cornbury, England


Coming soon…

Roskilde: Copenhagen, Denmark
roskilde festival

Down The Rabbit Hole: Beuningen, Netherlands
Down the Rabbit Hole Festival