Paramount Pictures recently greenlit a sequel to “Anchorman,” with Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, David Koechner and director Adam McKay all returning to what they do best.
Adam McKay sat down with Empire and explained a bit more about the story:
“[The story takes place] right when all the news started changing with the 24-hours news cycle in ’78 or ’79,” he said. “All of a sudden, local news stations diversified and had Latino anchors and African-American anchors, and any time you’re talking about diversity and the Action News team, that’s always fun to deal with. We know these guys never deal well with change, and the good thing is that there’s a big blast of change coming, according to the regular timeline. We’re going to be throwing a lot of innovation at them, and they’re not going to handle it well.”
So it seems the new film will be about an old wooden ship used during the civil war era.(you’ll get that if you’ve seen the first film)
The trailer is in.. heyyy ooohhhh
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