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2013 R​umXP Awards Announce​d​

With Rumfest in London is a little way off we thought we’d give your rum tastebuds a treat by bring you the results from this years RumXP awards!

Each year rum expert judges recognise exceptional products at the international rum competition in Miami and last week members of the International Rum Expert Panel completed their annual blind tasting competition.

This annual gathering of rum judges from around the world has become a greatly anticipated event by rum enthusiasts and rum brands from the Caribbean and beyond. In many cases, new emerging brands, small craft distillers and exotic expressions never before seen on these shores get their chance to shine on the global stage…

“The rum judges were surprised and delighted to find a greater number of fine rums in their blind tasting session again this year,” said RumXP organizer Robert V. Burr. “The trend toward better quality mixing rums for cocktails, more exquisite luxury sipping rums and greatly improved flavored and spiced rums continues. The RumXP judges evaluated more rums than ever before. The competition was tough, but these rum experts rose to the challenge and identified the best of the best of 2013.”

Approximately 21 members of the International Rum Expert Panel and 8 guest judges participated in 6 tasting sessions of 12 categories with 129 of the finest rums in the world presented for evaluation this year.

The RumXPs were hidden away in their tasting room for three days of blind tasting trials – not a bad gig if you ask us! The rums were grouped and judged in categories of white, gold, aged, old aged, premium aged, dark, special cask, spiced, flavored, overproof, agricole and cacacha.

We think its fair to say their collective expertise as a group of judges is unrivaled in the spirits world. Their combined experience spans many dozens of countries and hundreds of brands. They are authors, lecturers, trainers, historians, journalists, consultants, collectors, proprietors, mixologists and promoters of rum, so what they don’t know about rum isn’t worth knowing.


Papa’s Pilar Blonde

Tanduay Gold

Plantation Original Dark

Old Aged:
Centenario 20

Premium Aged:
Barcelo Imperial Anniversario 30

Izapa Negro

Special Cask:
Dos Maderas 5+5

Blackbeard Spiced

Deboniare Coffee

Planation Overproof

R. St Barth

Novo Fogo Clear


Plantation 3 Star
Wicked Dolphin
Guarijo Blanco
Diplomatico Blanco

Guarijo Dorado
Wild Geese Soldiers & Heroes Gold

DonQ Anejo
Occumare Anejo
Diplomatico Reserva
English Harbour 5

Old Aged:
Barcelo Imperial
Atlantico Private Cask
Diplomatico Exclusiva
Occumare Grand Reserve

Premium Aged:
Mt. Gay 1703
Debonaire 21
Dictador XO Perpetual

Special Cask:
Plantation Guatamela
Plantation Jamaica 2000
Plantation Grenada 2003

Shellback Spiced
Bacardi Oakheart

Debonaire Honey
Izapa Chocolate
Santa Teresa Orange

Rum Fire

Novo Fogo Barreled

2013 RumXP Judging Panel

Paul Artrip
Dirk Becker
Ian Burrell
Christopher Carlsson
Joey Casanova
Martin Cate
Forrest Cokely
Juan del Busto
Joe Desmond
Nicole Desmond
John Gibbons
Carlton Grooms
Adam Kanter
Tatu Kaarlas
Bob Leonard
Paul McFadyen
Dave Russell
Bernhard Schäfer
Paul Senft
Arturo Sighinolfi
Rene van Hoven


2013 Guest Judges

Steve Drda
Javier Herrera
Mauricio Lacayo
Shawn Martin
Leonardo Pento
Nigel Sade
Richard Seale
James Soper
Ram Udwin


Congratulations to all the fine rum brands and their outstanding spirits – we look forward to trying all the winners soon!