Twilight star Bronson Pelletier Takes the Piss

It’s not really relevant to us but we had to post this as it made us laugh….. quite hard.

Twilight star Bronson Pelletier who played 1 of Jacobs wolf pack (something like that, we’ve never seen the films) was detained at LAX airport after he seemed to be slightly over the limit.

Perhaps he was still celebrating the New Years but its landed him in hot water as he was restrained by a police officer and cuffed, before being charged with one count of being drunk in public, and another of public urination. he wasnt charged with New-Mooning (see what we did there?)

What makes matters worse is it was caught all on camera and we all know where that leads…straight to youtube (via TMZ)

Nobody likes a camera around after a few drinks but what do you expect from a wolf..he is going to mark his territory!

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